Sunday, November 30, 2008

My EDM 310 blogg Assignments are Now Complete

It has been a fun class. I enjoyed all of your presentations, and sitting next to some of you. Thanks

What I learned and what I would Have liked to learn

This class has been an interesting one. I learn a lot about google and use it in all my classes. I is also a good way to save old work. I don't think I'll ever delete anything off my profile. I learned a lot about using programs to their full potential and how to integrate technology into life. I used to really wonder about people who put their life on a palm polite, but now I understand. I was also given insight on the online educational community, and how technology is given a more and more prominent place in schools. I learned attitude and insight more than any thing else in this course.

I would have liked to have been introduced to programs that would impact the teacher office work I would be doing. Like a down loadable grade book with progress report applications. It would have been nice maybe even to learn how to use excel applications to create a grade book.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Blogging in the Classroom

Blogging as a class assignment has been a new experience for me. I notice that some of my fellow class mates started the blog in full force then fell out of it. Many of them in fact.
I find then same thing happens to other class blogs. Most notable English classes will start a blog, then by October posts stop uploading.
I can understand the theory behind it though. It is a medium in which students can communicate. It can also force student who would ordinarily not speak up in class discussions to give an opinion and participate.
How ever having a year long ongoing blog may not be very conducive to the class room. I feel it would be better as a special assignment for a specific topic. For example in an English class have the student write a short essay on their blog for each book read in class or ethical question or theme presented by the book. Allow them also to down load relevant youtube videos, links or picture.
It would also be nice for the teacher to do the assignment and post it as well. And to leave comments on the students blogs, maybe send them an e-mail or encourage of correct.
For the student however having a similar assignment every week discourages motivation.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wii as an educational tool-Project 7

link from the legend of zelda swinging a sward
I was looking online and I found a blog on using the Wii music to learn. I was so excited.The blogger was Mrs Kimberly McCollum, who is a PhD student of Psychology and Technology at Brigham University. I carried on a conversation about video games as an education tool.

We have agreed on the fact that one of the most important element is presentation. If that goes wrong then the students will not make the connection between the game and class content.
Mrs. McCollum also brought up the fact that if a poor connection in made between the game and class the teachers authority suffers. You become the "nice" teacher who won't make us do work.
She also mentioned that many constructivist theories of education have a smiler problem.

Constructivism basically stats that knowledge is not just waiting out there in space for us to acquire, but the only knowledge we have is that which we construct ourselves. (Mainly through exposure and experience)

So as a teacher if I introduce video games I would have to do so in a way my students can construct for themselves and outcome. In order to do that my students have to see the connection between the video game and the skills in the lesson.

For example if I wanted to use the Legend of Zelda to encourage problem solving skills. I would talk to the class about problem solving and go over different strategies. I may give a practice assignment at this point. I would only at this point allow my students to play a specific portion of the Legend of Zelda game to illustrate the lesson. As a class we would discuss the different strategies used. It would be prudent at this point to have each student write a reflection on there problem solving technique and those of others and what they could have done differently.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

HIV education in South Africa

This film showcased by Duke University was created by students in South Africa. It can be found on itunes university underDuke's center for documentation studies.
South Africa is a country in turmoil. One of the major issues is HIV and AIDS. More and more grandparents become the sole providers of the house hold due to the next generation dying of AIDS. The break up of families due to illness and was compounds the situation and leaves children and young people vulnerable to violence, assault and rape.
Fortunately their are programs for South Africa's youth. One of the exercises used at these programs and institutions is role playing, as it allows the individual to express what has happened under the context of a skit and have the aid and support of other students. It also sends a message to the audience: you are not the only one.
The main message the students in this video wanted to express is that they are the future regardless of what happens, what they may go thorugh, or what may be done to them.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

edm310 podcasts

Web Sites For Elementary Teachers

I liked that we sounded so authentic, clearly nothing was scripted or fake. That being said I know I for one said the dreaded syllable "Um", and we needed a little more flow. I would suspect that comes with practice. The introduction to each web site could have been more compact and neat. It would have been better if there was a longer question time to extract information. During the question and answer period a conversation took place and it sounded more natural then trying to dispense information as in the introductions.
I think if we could do this twice; once for practice, and once for pod casting it would have helped.

Issues I heard in other pod cast was that the voices sounded distance. It would have been helped if we could all speak up just a little bit. I was great how we could relate person experiences and it was nice to hear different voices. It was not a lecture.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Mathematics and technology

Judy chandler , technology integration specialist, and math teacher, that technology is essential for teaching mathematics. That by using technology math can more student centered. The National Council for teaching math, states that technology is essential for teaching math ,and have included it as one of the six principles for teaching math.
Students already know how to use technology well. By using technology we are giving them tools they have knowledge for, to see examples, think critically , have visual representations , analyze data, communicate mathematically,and see alternative demonstrations.
She also goes on to say that math is best taught as concepts not lessons, patterns not chunks. Technology provides student with connections, real world applications, a multi-sensery math learning environment that promotes reflection.
She also addresses the fears or qualms non-tech teachers may have. A technology enhanced math session can actually cover concepts from four or more chapters, and does not take away from content and keeps the class on schedule. If teachers would see technology as a tool instead of an add on then technology becomes affective.

Her next podcast is on thinking mathmatilly. Normally math is repetitive and based on memeorization. We need to tech math as we tach math. Let the students eplore and disover once the know the mthode. Let students take part in inquery based learning. Ask a question and let them answer it.
They learn not only subject matter but how to think mathmatically. One way we can do this is by asking questions to guide and to encourage learning.