Saturday, November 1, 2008

Mathematics and technology

Judy chandler , technology integration specialist, and math teacher, that technology is essential for teaching mathematics. That by using technology math can more student centered. The National Council for teaching math, states that technology is essential for teaching math ,and have included it as one of the six principles for teaching math.
Students already know how to use technology well. By using technology we are giving them tools they have knowledge for, to see examples, think critically , have visual representations , analyze data, communicate mathematically,and see alternative demonstrations.
She also goes on to say that math is best taught as concepts not lessons, patterns not chunks. Technology provides student with connections, real world applications, a multi-sensery math learning environment that promotes reflection.
She also addresses the fears or qualms non-tech teachers may have. A technology enhanced math session can actually cover concepts from four or more chapters, and does not take away from content and keeps the class on schedule. If teachers would see technology as a tool instead of an add on then technology becomes affective.

Her next podcast is on thinking mathmatilly. Normally math is repetitive and based on memeorization. We need to tech math as we tach math. Let the students eplore and disover once the know the mthode. Let students take part in inquery based learning. Ask a question and let them answer it.
They learn not only subject matter but how to think mathmatically. One way we can do this is by asking questions to guide and to encourage learning.

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